Hi, This is
Avinash Jha

I am a Passionate web developer. I make websites and web applications.
Check out my projects below.

August 25, 2020

Hostel Management Website

A full stack web based project which easily and efficiently manages a Hostel and keeps a connection between the warden and students of respective hostel. It comprises of two portals including warden and student portal. Every Hostel has a unique hostel id which binds the warden and the students together. It has other functionality like allocating and deallocating rooms, updating profile, issue leave applications and complains, view profile section,etc.

Technologies and tools used : Java, html, css, bootstrap, javascript, mysql, jdbc

September 20, 2020

React Advice App

This is a React Application which basically fetches random advices from an advice slip api in json format and renders the extracted advice on the screen in an effective format. you can always get a new random advice by clicking on the `give me advice` button.

Technologies and Frameworks used : React Application
Api Used : Advice-Slip

September 27, 2020

React Expense Tracker

A React project using hooks and context api which keeps a track of your expenses and your income and displays whether you're going surplus or deficit in a very efficient manner. We can keep a backend of this project if we would like to.

Technologies and Frameworks used : React, Nodejs

October 4, 2020

Pixabay Image Finder

A React front End based project which uses the very known Pixa-bay API for finding images once somebody enters text into it. For designing it uses the material ui components to make it look more attractive.

Frameworks used : React, Nodejs, Material ui
Api Used : Pixabay

September 4, 2020

Mern exercise tracker

A full stack mern app which uses mongo db as database, express js for server and React and react-bootstrap to design the front-end components. It basically allows us to create a user and keep a track of their daily exercise routines.

Frameworks used : React, Nodejs, Express js
Database Used : Mongo db.